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Jak nie stać się ofiarą oszustów rozrywkowych

Jak nie stać się ofiarą oszustów rozrywkowych

When you are getting ready for your vacation, scammers may be trying to take advantage of you. Blank gift cards, fake requests for charity, cyber attacks no deposit 2021 signup bonus and thieves stealing parcels from the porch need not be unique this time of year. But because holidays can be very busy, we may not be as aware and prepared for these dangers as usual, said Katie Stokes, director of fraud prevention programs at AARP.

„If you know about scams, if you find out from the news, you are 80% less likely to get scammed,” she said. „It is very important to know what the fraudsters look like so that you can spot them and not get caught.” Jairm Barrow, 36, knows what it means to be a victim of the Porch Pirates. He had not one, but four separate incidents where parcels were stolen straight from his porch. „I couldn’t believe anyone was so brave,” said Barrow, who lives in Tacoma, Washington. There are ways to stay safe this holiday season. Here’s how you can avoid becoming a victim.

Blank gift cards

More than 70% of Americans plan to buy gift cards for family and friends this season, according to a new AARP poll that surveyed 2,842 people 18 and older in November. Stokes said that thieves were attacking cards that were on shelves in stores. They get an account number and a PIN code – and when the card is activated, they are „pinged” and immediately emptied.

Fake Charitable Donations

While this is an important time of year for legitimate charities to raise funds, due diligence should be exercised to ensure that you are not donating to a fictitious organization. The AARP study found that only half of Poland conducts any research before making a donation. Of those who turned to a charity, 54% did not make a donation based on what they found. „Fraudulent organizations may try to deceive you by using a name very similar to the legitimate 501 (c) (3) group,” warned Ashley Post, a public relations manager at Charity Navigator, which evaluates charities.

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Pirates on the porch

More and more consumers are buying gifts online. This means that thieves have many opportunities to steal parcels right in front of your home. After the goods were stolen, Barrow took matters into his own hands – and at the same time came up with his own business, The Blank Box. This is a fake bundle that makes a sound of firing when picked up. (The real guns are empty.) Said he had heard various stories, including stealing a loved one’s remains and medicines.

Thieves „do not understand the pain they cause … of doing something to make money quickly,” he said. If you know you will be home by the estimated delivery time, make sure a signature is required when ordering the product so that it is not left on the street. If this is not possible, you can request that the package be delivered to the office or home of someone you know will be at home, according to the National Neighborhood Watch website. You can also leave specific shipping instructions, such as leaving your package behind your home or under a bush, or choosing to have your package shipped to a store to pick it up.

For example, Amazon has Hub Locker centers that keep your package safe for pickup, while UPS offers partner locations where you can pick up your packages. There are also smart locks that can be put on compatible boxes in which couriers can store packages.

Computer attacks

Be careful of emails that encourage you to click on a link. „We see more and more fraudulent emails [allegedly] from companies such as FedEx, UPS or the US Postal Service,” said AARP. The same goes for fake emails that are allegedly sent by sellers. They may report a problem with an order or an attempted delivery, but it is actually an attempt by cyber criminals to install malware on your computer. Don’t click on any links. Instead, go directly to the shipping site or seller’s website and search for your order or delivery using your confirmation number or tracking number.

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You should also pay attention to whether the e-mail „Dear Customer” is addressed to you and not directly to you. If so, it is a sign that it is a scam. Also, make sure every website you visit is secure by making sure its ad url starts with „https” and not „http”.